Monday, April 30, 2018

Close The Light

Stickman shoots the moon with arrow to "turn off" moonlight

"Close" the moonlight with bow and arrow is effective here. But why not just use curtain?😰

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Basketball stories (2 Stories In 1 Post)


Stickman cheats on basketball shooting after missing various shots

Have you ever thought of something like above after missing multiple basketball shots?


Stickman dunks by jumping on trampoline but fails

Dunking by jumping on trampoline can be a stunt, and is not suitable for everybody. Please do not copy this behavior at home. 

Sunday, April 1, 2018

April Fool - Surprise!

Hello! This is a follow-up of last comic. Stickman is going to give "payback" to yesterday's trick:

Stickman ready for "revenge" on April Fool's trick is caught in the act

What a HUGE surprise!

The story ends, but playing trick will never ends.😜 See you on next April Fool's Day!